A Curated Faith

Curated: carefully selected pieces to form a collection

Curate: priest or pastor


We are not defined by singular moments in our lives, but instead, we are collections of moments and experiences that have had Certainly there are people or experiences that have had a greater impact than others, but each and every moment, thought, or experience shapes us. Just as wind and water shape the rock walls of a cavern over time, sometimes in rushing water and sometimes in gentle breezes, we are all influenced over time. We are all molded and shaped into who we are in this very moment by thousands of small and large influences.

Essentially, we are curated and being curated. As if the divine is carefully choosing which pieces of art to display in our gallery in this season, we are a collection of beautiful expressions that all come together to give us our identity.

I'm sure in your own story, you have key figures who taught you about faith. Often these pillars are grandparents or ministers who introduced you to Jesus or shepherded you in precarious times. Our personal stories are reflected in portrait walls of those who have made a difference in our lives — a mix of baseball coaches and mystics, friends and rock stars.

In these times of ever-expanding access to information, I find myself privileged to read so many profound things. I am constantly being stretched and opened and challenged. I can read testimonies from many cultures and voices and traditions. Some of these things warm my heart, others cause me to tense up. I am learning from all of it.

I often want to share all of these readings and quotes and passages with others, hoping that the bits of goodness that I receive from them will also open something in others. And so, I created this blog: A Curated Faith. This is a space to offer readings and devotions and ideas and quotes.

I hope that you will use them as you need to. Perhaps you need inspirational thoughts to begin a board meeting. Perhaps you are looking for a new author to inspire you. Perhaps you just want to soak in the goodness of God and you find it in these pages.

I will often share things here that are quoted in sermons or present in magazines I read, knowing that they are adding to the gallery of my soul, enriching the collection of things that have influenced me over time.

Sometimes I will reflect on the items and acknowledge how they are shaping me. Other times I will leave them purely for your own interaction.

May you be blessed as you feel the water and the wind also shape you and mold you in this moment. Amen.

And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28